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POWERSKIN Conference 2019

The building skin has evolved enormously over the past decades. Energy performance and environmental quality of buildings are significantly determined by the building envelope. The façade has experienced a change in its role as an adaptive climate control system that leverages the synergies between form, material, mechanical and energy systems in an integrated design.

The PowerSkin Conference aims to address the role of building skins to accomplish a carbon neutral building stock. Topics such as building operation, embodied energy, energy generation and storage in context of envelope, energy and environment are considered.

The POWERSKIN Conference 2019 will took place on January 17, 2019 in Munich, Germany. RWTH will attend to talk about the PLUG-N-HARVEST Façade, which is designed to enclose the existing façade like a second skin.

Read the entire Journal publication here.

adminPOWERSKIN Conference 2019